It’s Time For A New Auction!!

It’s Time For A New Auction!!

This Auction will run from now and end on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 12:00 PM Central Standard Time.   There is NO Reserve Price!  Bids will start from Zero and go as high as the final Bid.  All bids should be submitted on the “Leave A Reply” section  below on this Blog Post.  Watch your bids closely toward the end as the Internet is in charge of the timeclock.   So everyone can keep up with what’s going on by just clicking on “Comments” to see the latest bid.  Also, and this is important…You have to be Subscribed to Participate!  So don’t forget to fill out the Subscription box over on the right side of this post.   Shipping and handling costs Are Not Included but I will try and keep them as low as possible.  I always ship my carvings via Priority Mail and Double Box them to ensure they get the best handling possible.  I’ll announce the winner once the auction closes.

This piece has always been a favorite of mine.  Carved back in 2017, it has lots of character so with the loads of detail and painting it makes a nice piece.  It’s larger than most of my pieces…measuring 13″ to the tip of his hat.   I started it after seeing the attached photo of Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings Wizard.  I chose to make him a Mountain Man trapper so I could incorporate the beauty of Native American clothing and design on his leather shirt   The Hudson Bay blanket over his shoulder adds the final touch.  He’s mounted on a solid walnut base with a brass nameplate (not shown).

So…..Bids will start from Zero and go as high as the final Bid.  I think that whoever places the willing bid will have a great piece to add to his or her collection.  Comments welcome as always.

–                                   GOOD LUCK!

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

12 Comments to “It’s Time For A New Auction!!”

  1. Luke Mardell says:

    Love your work Lynn. Xxx

  2. Patrick Schrad says:


  3. Keith Rumohr says:

    Great carving Lynn! Let me start it auction off with a bid of $250.

  4. Brett M Byers says:

    I can’t believe no ones bid yet! I won’t insult you with a bid as I’m retired and couldn’t swing what it’s worth,..but I just wanted to again thank you for sharing your talents, skills and videos with us all!

  5. Is this where bids are placed?

    1. Lynn Doughty says:


  6. John Jussel says:

    Awesome carving as always!

  7. Charlie Rasmussen says:

    I bid $300.00

  8. Robert Gilkerson says:

    I bid $400

  9. Keith Rumohr says:

    I bid $405

  10. Robert Gilkerson says:

    Congratulation Keith on obtaining a wonderful piece. I believe I know you from the show in Mt. Home, AR. Lynn I sent you an email about purchasing one of your other items you have listed for sale.

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