“Biscuits, Beans and Buckaroos”

“Biscuits, Beans and Buckaroos”

This scene was completed back in 1996.  I believe it was the first multiple group in a setting I made. While the Chuckwagon was kind of toy-ish, I think it was pretty nice for a wainwright just learning the trade.  I even included myself in the setting….that’s me setting on a crate with a jaw full of beans.  The piece was quickly sold to a collector in Vacaville, CA.  As this was my first attempt at shipping such a large piece I had a local Postnet pack it and turn it over to UPS.  A week later it arrived on a front porch out west with the box caved in, the wagon smashed, and Beans all over the place.  Luckily, UPS settled up quickly and the damaged scene was shipped back to my shop, repaired and returned, packed by myself.  I also learned a lesson to never trust my work to be shipped by a third party.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed looking at one of my first attempts at scene setting and I look forward to any comments.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

One Comment to ““Biscuits, Beans and Buckaroos””

  1. Paul Beauregard says:

    Always enjoy looking at your work.

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