Road Agents At Prairie Dog Junction

Road Agents At Prairie Dog Junction

Here is a scene I did back in 2006 which is on permanent display in the Woolaroc Museum here in Oklahoma. It depicts a holdup at Prairie Dog Junction. I borrowed the idea for this one from a Charlie Russell painting I saw at the Russell Museum in Great Falls, Montana. Lots of detail here.

The Coach was constructed using a set of full-sized blueprints. It’s built to scale and even the interior is detailed with jump seats, curtains, etc. The Coach body is supported over the frame with real leather through braces, just like the real ones. However, I had to permanently anchor it to the frame as it wiggled during movement, again like the real ones.

The horse team is called a “Six-Up” as six animals are used. The harness is correct for such a rig as are the corresponding ‘trees’ which tie them all together to the wagon. From what I’ve read and seen it really took a lot of experience and strength to handle such a hook-up.

Attached a lot of close up photos so you can get a real feel of the action taking place along this lonely stretch of road. One thing for sure….those little Prairie Dog’s do not appreciate the load that cayuse has just deposited in front of their doorstep!  I’ve also attached a photo of when the piece was accepted and turned over to the Museum.  That’s me with the Museum’s director and administrator along with an executive from the Phillips Petroleum headquarters in Bartlesville, OK.  If you could see the names on some of the pictures  in the background you would recognize Charles Russell and Fredric Remington’s signatures along with other famous western painters.  What? Me proud?  You betcha!

Comments welcome.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

3 Comments to “Road Agents At Prairie Dog Junction”

  1. Anders says:

    Very cool!

  2. Jeff Ford says:

    That’s awesome Lynn , is there a figure on how many pieces there are on display in museums ?

    1. Lynn Doughty says:

      Aside from the Stagecoach scene, Woolaroc Museum also has the Gold Nugget Saloon, and the Medicine Show. Also, the Dental scene is in the museum’s workshop waiting for the display stand to be finished.

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