Old Soldiers Never Die!

Originally published in July 2011 “Here’s the completed head of a figure I really look forward to doing someday.  I’ve always admired the Willie & Joe cartoons drawn by Bill Mauldin.  I remember my folks had a book of them and I was constantly wearing out the pages.  Not sure what this fella will be…

How About Some Coffee?

Originally published in June, 2011 “The photo to the Cook on the left is one I did quite a few years ago. I can’t make out the date which is a good reminder to make sure your photos capture those important facts.  He’s got his coffee made, cups in hand, and is waiting for the…

Look What Flew In!

Originally published in 2011 “Working on the Done Gone Under scene….I Carved these two guys this morning as I continue to flesh out the burial scene.  Can’t wait to get them painted as they really add a lot to the theme of the piece.  The tree is a piece of cedar I clipped off a…

Done Gone Under

Originally published in 2011. “Here’s an early look at a scene I’m working on.  Started it early last year and you may have seen in setting on the table during some of the videos.  I made the base first as I wanted to see just how it would look as a platform for the figures….

The Viking Warrior

Originally done as a video project back in June 2011.  If I can find it in my records I’ll put it on Youtube!  This little terror now resides somewhere in Scandinavia! “I painted the flag design this morning and put everything together so here he is, ready to jump in his ship and go off…

Tea Time

Tea Time? You’ve got to be kidding me! No self-respecting Cowboy worth his salt would brew up a cuppa Orange Pekoe without running the risk of having his bedroll short-sheeted and while he’s not looking a burr carefully placed under his saddle blanket. However, here in the make-believe world of the Out West Ranch just…

The Old Homestead

This is a log cabin scene I constructed as a gift to a local store who allowed me to show my work there.  You can see by the photo of me applying details that it was back in the 90’s.  A newly retired man with an idea! I originally built the cabin with a solid…

The Oldtimer

Here’s a nice single figure all decked out with lots of fine detail and paint. I like to paint as much as I do carve but the real fun comes with finding new ways to construct and include details  in my pieces.  That corn-cob pipe is a great example how such a little thing can…

Rise & Shine – The Bunkhouse Stove

Originally published in September, 2009 “I came across this photo the other day while looking for Bunkhouse reference material. While I’ve made potbelly stoves in the past I’d never considered a box style. It’s clear that the fellas gathered around this heater are not Cowboys but it would be an easy matter to make some…