Here’s my latest figure and this video series will show how it’s painted, from the beginning to the end and it’s final presentation. I hope you enjoy the trip! Here’s the link to the first video: If this series is of help to you and your craft, a small, voluntary donation to help support this…
Category: Sculpture
Making a Kerosene Lantern
This is a new 4-part video series up on my Youtube channel on making this little jewel. A pretty simple job with fairly easy to obtain material. The clear Plexiglas rod can be obtained on Amazon if you can’t find it locally. A fun project which will add a great detail to an Old West…
A Rough Night – All Busted Up!
Originally published on June 8, 2012 I had so much fun painting this fellas face this morning I thought you might enjoy seeing the shape he’s in so far. Need to tone down the dry brushing on the hat but so far he’s looking pretty damaged and that’s good. Comments welcome.
A Rough Night!
Originally published on June 7, 2012 Here’s a busted up Buckaroo who I just finished this morning. From the looks of him Happy Hour down at the Gold Nugget Saloon didn’t end too well by the looks of the fat lip, the cracked skull and the swelling shiner, not to mention the shot up hat….
Horses For Sale
Originally published on June 2, 2012 After surveying the gallery I noted that there were almost no horses so I got to work and redid an old favorite. Hope you like him.
Red Horse – Finished
Originally published on May 19, 2012 Just about ran out of paint on this fella. Still pondering on whether to put a medicine totem on the front of the shield. Probably will as it needs something to bust up that flat surface. I used horse hair to make the scalp locks that hang off each…
Red Horse
Originally published on May 12, 2012 Here’s what I’m working on at the moment. This one stands about 15″ tall on the base so he’ll be a real eye catcher when he’s finished. Still have to add the feathers to the shield and maybe a totem above the horse. Hopefully, there will be scalp locks hanging from…
“Sorry Boys! It’s Beans Again!”
Originally published on May 07, 2012 At last! I thought I would never get this fellas finished. I think the problem was that it’s been so long since I did a cook scene I’d forgotten just how to do it. Still, I think he turned out pretty good and I really like the title…
Lizzie Bear Foot – Finished
Originally Published on November 29, 2011 With the visitors and the Thanksgiving turkey just a fond memory, I was finally able to set down and finish Lizzie. I think she turned out pretty well. Certainly like the new fur texture over the old. One little trick I tried this time was to put a small…
Lizzie Bear Foot
Originally published on November, 2011 Here is one I wanted to get finished but not painted before the Dayton show so I could hopefully pick up some tips on making realistic fur. –This piece is a little more realistic than my normal caricatures as I wanted to see what my normal carving techniques would look like…