War Bonnet!! – Part 1 – The Headdress & Head

Friday, November 23, 2007 All that Thanksgiving Turkey got me to thinking I should carve something with feathers so how about a War Bonnet? Of course I’ll put a head in there to make it more interesting. One thing for sure though, as this piece will be a little larger than I normally carve it…

Just a Quick Note!

We have just manage to clear up a problem with our “Subscibe” button on the bottom right of this page.  Unfortunately, in doing so we lost all of our previous subscribers!  So, if you had previously subscribed to this site or if you wish to subscribe to future posts, please do so again.  We certainly…

What Happened?

As most of you probably know, this site disappeared a few months back.  Well, due to a number of circumstances beyond our control, we had to take it down.  I won’t go into the details but that’s behind us now and I’m in the process of bringing things back on line.  Unfortunately, there are a…

A Sharp Dressed Man

Here’s one I had a little fun with. He sat on my paint table for about 6 months partially painted as I just couldn’t figure out what to put on his suit lapels. If you could see under the current design you would see about 4 different designs that just didn’t work out. After another…

Out West Youtube Videos

This morning we uploaded all the Vimeo videos we have in storage. No doubt there are others that we no longer have access to that will be lost once our Vimeo account is closed on October 1.

Teddy Blue Video Project – Part 13 – All Done!

Teddy Blue No. 2 Well, here’s Teddy-No.2!  Everything is there except the nameplate.  Setting here looking at him I’m wondering if somehow Teddy Roosevelt is out wandering the west again.  He does look a little like him.  Maybe if he smiled to where we could see his choppers ……….  Anyway, I think this project turned…