Pow Wow Bound

Pow Wow Bound

I started this one last week, finished up the last few details, and he’s finally ready for the paint table. He stands at around 15 inches with the walnut & basswood base so he makes a nice presentation. I haven’t decided on just what the color scheme will be but it will be a colorful one. One of the main reasons I like to do Native Americans is the many colors their costumes and details have. He still needs his feathers on both the back of his head and a couple on his pipe. The drum will also have a design painted on the surface. If you look closely you can see that the arm holding the drum is still not attached. I’ll do that once the shirt, blanket and arm up to the brass ring are painted. Then, with a little glue and some whittling to even the join with the body, I can paint the remainder. Doing it this way keeps the different colors exactly where they should be. So, as the Pow Wow is scheduled for next week I guess I’d better hurry up and squeeze out some paint, wet my brush and get busy.

I hope you like him so far and if so, take a moment and drop me a comment. They are always welcomed and appreciated.

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

6 Comments to “Pow Wow Bound”

  1. John Brookins says:

    Wonderful carving (as always!). I’m looking forward to seeing him in his total splendor, your painting is always amazing.

  2. David Helton says:

    Very nice note about arm is good to remember thanks

  3. Scott says:

    AlwTs great Lynn!

  4. Mike Jackson says:

    Mr Doughty,
    Really enjoy your style of carving and instruction. Since I discovered your videos it’s helped to start my creative juices flowing. Instead of just copying other people’s designs, by taking your advice after deciding on a project I’ve been able to make my own rough-outs. You have me hooked on more of a realistic look and accessorizing the carvings rather than doing caricatures. Being a country boy I’ve gravitated to Cowboys, Native Americans and Mountain Men.
    This will always just be a hobby for me making special gifts for friends but I know they appreciate all I’ve learned from you.
    Thank you

  5. Pam Hulet says:

    I realy like your Native American!

  6. Bob Tamillo says:

    I wanted to attend a pow-wow this year but couldn’t because of all the cancellation due to The Virus. So seeing this guy kinda fills that need. Great carving and when painted up will be most colorful.

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