Painting “The Skinner” – Part 1

Painting “The Skinner” – Part 1

It seems ages since Judy and I did a new video series so we thought we’d invite you to tag along as I painted and finished up this frontier scallywag.  I just hope we can remember all the various steps to produce a video.  

At the moment I’m reading the book “Last Stand”, by George Grinnell, about the battle to save the Buffalo so I thought why not name the piece something that ties into that so that’s where the name “The Skinner” comes from.  That character was the one who did all the hard, messy work, once the animal was dropped out on the prairie.  Great book but a sad story about how they just about wiped out the American Buffalo.

So, pull up a seat and get comfortable…..this video is a long one.  Hope you like the journey so far!

Comments welcome. 

Published by Lynn Doughty

I might be a little man in a big world but on our 30 acres I'm the one in charge when the wife's not around!

6 Comments to “Painting “The Skinner” – Part 1”

  1. Jane Lovell says:

    I watched the painting it was so awesome, loved it so far! Keep up the good work Lynn!!! Love to watch you work
    CARVINGS or painting, finishing, all of it. Because you are a total expert! I hope to be as good as you one day.. .

  2. Sharon says:

    So very glad to see you and Judy back with a new video. It made my day! 😊 Thank you!
    Loved the “dry rubbing” technique on the hat . . . calling it that made me chuckle out loud . . . excellent descriptive term. Loved the carved facial expression as well. He looks sinister and not one to be messed with. Looking forward to seeing Part 2 when it’s posted.

  3. Gary Robinson says:

    It is so nice to see both you and Judy back. I know that you think you have made enough vids to instruct us on your methods but we just like to watch a master at work. Thanks Judy for the vids. Keep up the great work.

    God Bless

  4. Debbie says:

    Couldn’t find your post on Facebook and couldn’t comment on YouTube so tracked u down her….I agree with everything everyone have said so far, love to watch the master at work. Love Skinner, the hell raiser he must be, wouldn’t mine adding him to my other 2 carvings. Looking forward to the next video and I don’t think anyone would say you ‘cheated’ on a carving. Thank you Judy and Lynn, sorry about your vacation but be were giving a great video!!!!

  5. Richard Wood says:

    love the Painting video, learned a lot. Thanks

  6. Vincenzo Pellegrino says:


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